100%cotton kitchen cooking apron with 2 pockets

100%cotton kitchen cooking apron with 2 pockets-tekstil pawon, celemek, sarung tangan oven, wadhah pot, handuk teh, jubah tata rambut

100%cotton  kitchen cooking  apron with 2 pockets

Ukuran: 68*74 cm

Bahan: 100% katun


Adjustable strap buckle

Multi pockets

100%cotton kitchen cooking apron with 2 pockets-tekstil pawon, celemek, sarung tangan oven, wadhah pot, handuk teh, jubah tata rambut

100%cotton kitchen cooking apron with 2 pockets-tekstil pawon, celemek, sarung tangan oven, wadhah pot, handuk teh, jubah tata rambut

100%cotton kitchen cooking apron with 2 pockets-tekstil pawon, celemek, sarung tangan oven, wadhah pot, handuk teh, jubah tata rambut

100%cotton kitchen cooking apron with 2 pockets-tekstil pawon, celemek, sarung tangan oven, wadhah pot, handuk teh, jubah tata rambut